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Showing posts from December, 2010

Inside Insurance: Don't let the burglars know about your new stuff -

By David Colmans The classic Charles Dickens story, “A Tale of Two Cities,” starts out with the words, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” So it is when the holidays roll around and we may throw caution to the wind. Just drive through most any neighborhood from “Black Friday” after Thanksgiving through the Super Bowl next year. What to your wandering eyes should appear, but little invitations to area burglars who now know where to find all the good stuff. There’s one or two days a week that the bad guys eagerly wait for. It’s the “Come Burglarize My House” sign that may be in your yard. The day before and the day of trash pick-up are great for cruising. That’s when most of us put out, along with our regular trash, the empty boxes from the new HDTVs, computers, appliances and other goodies we buy ourselves during the holidays. Here is something to think about to help with home safety precautions. 1. The bad guys just make notes of the addresses where they see the empt...

Home can be place for crime during holidays

THE ISSUE: Burglaries OUR OPINION: Christmas is time of vulnerability The shopping season has begun in earnest. Advice is frequent on caution while shopping. Don't become the victim of a robbery as you're scurrying about stores, malls and parking lots. But what about your home? Click here to read the entire story