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Showing posts from June, 2011

ATTENTION Asheville area jewelry stores and pawn shops

Unfortunately, jewelry stores and pawn shops in the Asheville area have become a prime target for thieves (watch video/read story here) . Would you like to make sure you have the latest protection against teft? Help put a stop to it NOW with the Virtual Guard Protection System from A traditional CCTV system that only records may be good for reviewing a crime but it is not that beneficial in notification of a crime in progress. Our system will allow you to do both!! It's a normal CCTV recording system during the day and a Virtual Guard at night! It is critical that law enforcement is notified immediately, WHILE the crime is in progress, in order to apprehend the criminal and prevent further damage or loss. The Virtual Guard Service ultimately saves you money (ROI in the first year)! It is like having full-time hired guards but at a fraction of the cost. In addition, our system works 24/7, never takes a break, never falls asleep, doesn...